Botox Treatment in Northridge, CA

With all you do to maintain a fit, healthy, outdoorsy California lifestyle, you’re still afraid to look in the mirror. You don’t want to see those lines and wrinkles again. You don’t understand why the wrinkles are there. You’re too healthy to look old. Maybe it has something to do with genetics.

Stop beating yourself up. An aging appearance occurs at different rates for different people for who knows what reason. The good news is, you don’t have to suffer from old face. We provide many solutions to people just like you. One of our “tools” is Botox. It can do wonders to remove lines and wrinkles from your face and neck.

Here, we’ll discuss who can get Botox and the many cosmetic improvements you can make with Botox.

Botox Injection in Northridge Los Angeles CA

What Is Botox?

Botox was the first neurotoxin approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat facial wrinkles and lines. That means it has a safety record going back over 20 years. Since approval, doctors have found several other uses for Botox, such as a treatment for migraines, TMJ, excessive sweating, and overactive bladder.

Who Can Get Botox?

According to the Mayo Clinic, you should not have a Botox treatment if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. People with allergies to cow’s milk proteins also shouldn’t use Botox since these proteins are an ingredient in Botox. 

Your clinician may advise against Botox if you suffer from neuromuscular diseases or weak facial muscles. We can provide better advice after your clinician examines you at your consultation appointment in our Woodland Hills office. If Botox isn’t a good option for you, we have many other choices for the people of Northridge, CA. Together, we will find the best option to meet your goals.

How Does Botox Work?

OnaBotulinumtoxin-A is a neurotoxin that blocks the Acetylcholine Receptors. It’s the active ingredient in Botox. It relaxes the neuromuscular contractions that cause wrinkles and facial lines. Without the contractions, wrinkles go away.

Areas Botox Can Treat

We have compiled a list to show the many ways Botox can restore your youthful appearance. As the cost of Botox procedures is based on the units used, we’ve added an estimate of the units needed for each area. We’ll have a better estimate of what’s needed in your case after we examine you at your consultation.

Your Forehead

Horizontal lines on the forehead are early signs of aging. To reduce horizontal lines, you’ll need 10–30 units of Botox.

Vertical lines between the eyebrows (sometimes called glabellar lines) are another issue on the forehead. You can remove this angry and weathered appearance with approximately 10–25 units of Botox.

Eyelid Drooping

We won’t inject Botox into your eyelids. But we can remove the drooping appearance by placing injections into your upper eyebrows. This is sometimes called a nonsurgical brow lift. This procedure requires 2–5 units per eyebrow.

As you age, your eyebrows sag. This causes your eyelids to appear to droop. Botox relaxes the muscles so your eyebrows won’t sag.

Crow’s Feet

Crow’s feet are another early sign of aging. When smiling, the thin skin at the corners of your eyes contract. It’s a shame that smiling causes these unsightly lines. Don’t worry. We can fix this with 5–15 units of Botox for each crow’s foot.

Your Nose

Botox can solve issues near your nose, like bunny lines. But it can also provide a nonsurgical nose job!

Have you ever heard of a nonsurgical nose job? We use a combination of Botox and fillers like Juvéderm to give you the same result expected from a nose job with no harsh surgical cutting. Unlike additional surgery to correct a nose job, our nonsurgical version is reversible. And, a nonsurgical nose job only needs 2-4 units of Botox.

Scrunching the area of your face near the nose causes bunny lines. These scrunches usually occur when you laugh. It’s well known that laughter is healthy for you. You don’t need such a healthy function making you look older. Again, we can fix it!

Botox erases bunny lines by stopping muscle contractions near your nose every time you smile or laugh. It will take 5–10 units of Botox on each side of the nose to make those bunny lines go away.

Your Smile

Botox can lift lips, eliminate smile lines, and reduce a gummy smile.

Smile lines form at the corners of your mouth. We only need 3–6 units of Botox on each side of your mouth to eliminate these lines.

The Botox lip lift is sometimes called a lip flip. We use Botox combined with fillers to give your lips the look you want. It also eliminates those vertical lines that extend from the upper lip. The Botox lip lift requires approximately 10 units of Botox.

A gummy smile is where too much of your gums show when you smile. We use Botox to relax the muscle retraction that causes your lip to lift so high. You’ll need 2–4 units of Botox for a gummy smile treatment.

Your Chin

Do you want to get rid of a dimple on your chin? With 2–4 units of Botox, we can fix this problem too.

Your Neck

It’s sagging neck muscles that cause vertical and horizontal wrinkles around your neck. Most people see these lines and wrinkles as signs of advanced age and frailty. You are too young for that! With 25–50 units of Botox, we can end sagging neck muscles. That means you’ll have trouble seeing these lines when you look in the mirror.

What To Do in Northridge, CA To Look Younger

Botox can do a lot to restore your true appearance. Contact us today for your consultation. It’s only a short drive from Northridge, CA to our Woodland Hills office.

One of our expert clinicians will meet with you to discuss your treatment goals. Together, we’ll craft a plan to restore your face. So what are you waiting for? Call us today at (818) 446-6111. Or you can click the “book now” button at the top right of your screen to set your appointment online. We look forward to meeting you and to restoring the youthful appearance you deserve.

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